Monday, April 21, 2014

Grammar and Usage

Grammar and Usage

Chapter 10, Questions 1-8

1. a. Transitive verb, direct object
b. She laid the results of the MRI down.
c. Transitive verb, direct object
d. Transitive verb
e. Intransitive verb,
f. Transitive verb, direct object
g. Intransitive verb, subject complement, adjective
h. To be verb, subject complement, adjective

2. b. Transitive verb, but in a. it’s an intransitive verb. An editor could turn the sentence into a question: a) What did she graduate from? b) What did she graduate? B is the correct choice.

3. a. take – present, hope – present, is – present, had – past, were – past, hope – present, will follow – future
b. We take great pleasure in welcoming you to our staff. We hope that our relationship is one of mutual understanding and support. The owners have many years of experience in the operation of successful and profitable businesses. We were fortunate in the past with our choices for our staff, and we sincerely hope that you will follow this path.

4a. subject - condition, verb - are, complement – good
            The overall condition of the facilities is good to very good.
b. subject – resources, verb - dedicated
The resources dedicated to repair are minimal.
c. subject - disease, verb – are, complement – treated
            A dynamic bone disease in patients is tread by decreasing or eliminating calcium-based phosphate binders.
d. subject – range, verb – are
            A wide range of noninvasive treatments are available to patients.
e. subject – shipment,
            Shipments of factory-sealed cartons from our warehouse are made in the cheapest and fastest way.

5. a. The licensing can be determined pursuant to my institution’s policies and procedures on royalty income.
b. The field offers little research investigating the process of creating valid and reliable assessment instruments, despite the presumable acceptance of their pedagogical value.
c. Purchasing a Research MiniCycler and an ultra-pure injection-quality RO water system can reduce the cost of production.
d. the internship would provide me with an opportunity to work with technical documents outside my familiar “comfort zone” of technical manual, as a Principal Technical Editor/Writer for Alpha Communications.
e. Lead-free gasoline does not release harmful lead oxides and lead chlorides and bromides into the atmosphere, as is the case with leaded (regular) gasoline.

6. A dangling modifier is an entire phrase at the beginning or end of a sentence, while a misplaced modifier is often incorrectly directly preceding the subject.
a. Smoke only in the break room.
b. Only safety goggles with indirect vents and anti-fog lenses are allowed.
c. Almost every experiment, nearly 90 percent, failed.

7. a. When staff members need to trander material to another lav under the Uniform Biological Materials Transfer Agreement, they should contact the Lab Supervisor to ensure that proper transfer procedure is followed.
b. If the meaintenance technician needs to replace the lliquid filtration system, he or she must inform the staff.
c. He and I will conduct a workshop on investments.

8. a. The subject is not capable of being an active agent.
b. The adverb hopefully can be used as a replacement for “it is hoped” if it is also applicable if it describes how the hoping was being done. Here, it would be a matter of usage rather than grammar.

“The reason is because…” seems grammatically incorrect because “is” is a linking verb, and “because” is not a verb.  

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